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Shanghai Yu Ying Trading Co., Ltd was established in 2014, and registered capital of 10 million. In recent years, with the increase of internal reform and business, the company in the trade industry already has a solid foundation and excellent professional knowledge!


We mainly engaged in saling arts and crafts (in addition to cultural relic), electrical appliances, needles textiles, cosmetics, daily provisions, clothing and accessories, bedding, building materials, coat etc, include goods and technology import and export business, transit trade.

版权所有:上海俞英贸易有限公司      地 址:上海市广中西路555号宝华国际广场    联系电话:021-26018302    未经允许严禁复制本站图片为商业利用 | 该网站资料更新速度可能滞后,仅供参考      技术支持:百奇互动
友情链接:上海双沣医药工程管理有限公司   上海双树照明工程股份有限公司
